The ‘Natural Causes’ Cover Up


Nearly half of learning disabled including autistic deaths are avoidable.

And a three year old Department of Health ‘Progress’ Report revealed 3 a day die needlessly .

Media blame these deaths on a lack of government funding .

But more money will only increase the already huge profits of their private venture capital Corporate ‘carers’.

As ‘ cuts’ have been used to force the LD/ASD into for profit residential/hospital care/treatment paid up to £13,000 a week

But in this greedy corporate world, physical illnesses are not being treated.

The ASD/LD use behavioural challenges to show pain and physical discomfort.

the man with Down’s syndrome refusing to leave the house, who turned out to have had a heart attack; the woman refusing to eat, who had bronchial pneumonia; the boy with autism severely self-harming, who had a burst appendix.

Dr Sally Cheseldine Clinical Psychologist NHS.

But these signs are not being picked up on by ‘community living’ and hospital providers, who, in any event, do not have the facilities to treat them, and nor does the bankrupt NHS .

So many mentally disabled die long, lingering deaths, without pain relief, and their worsening behaviour is blamed on their disorder, and their medication increased.

In addition, we have many dying from the horrific side effects of medication and poly pharmacy.

These many deaths are then signed off as from ‘natural causes’.

Remaining hidden for ever.

LD/ASD are held under MCA, Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards if in ‘community living’ and increasingly even in mental hospitals.

Deaths under DOLs have tripled, with a 56% increase last year alone.

Yet despite this shocking increase, which ought to require increased investigation of deaths, laws last year removed the right to an enhanced Coroners Inquest with a jury for those dying in ‘state detention’ from those who die under a DOL.

A medical practioner certifies the cause of death for death certificate purposes and only refers a death to a Coroner if he is unsure of its cause, or the circumstances of it are suspicious.

Worryingly, there are huge differences in GPs referral rates to Coroners throughout England and Wales as they range from 24% to 96%.

In 2015 out of 529,613 deaths , 236,406 were referred to Coroners , but Inquests were only held in respect to 32,857.

So more than 85% of deaths referred to Coroners, were sent by the Coroners, with or without a post-mortem examination, for registration as deaths from natural causes, without any formal coroner investigation and inquest.

But Coroners have not been required to have any medical training since 2013, only five years’ legal qualification and practice.

In the Chief Coroner’s response to a Department of Health Consultation on the introduction of the new Medical Examiner role, the Chief Coroner suggested these figures show, that too many deaths were unnecessarily sent to Coroners .

It is therefore believed that the availability of MEs ( Medical Examiners ) to advise doctors on the cause of death should reduce the number of cases which are referred to coroners unnecessarily.’

Click to access chief-coroner-cp-resonse-medical-examiners.pdf

Medical Examiners are to be introduced in April, and it appears their role may further curtail investigations by Coroners , the only external, and often the only investigation into a LD/ASD deaths.

As it was revealed by the hard fought for investigation into Connor Sparrowhawk’s death, SLOVEN  investigated 1% of its LD deaths and it was not an outlier in comparison to other NHS Trusts.

So it appears only 1% of LD/ASD deaths in NHS care are even internally investigated.

Connor’s death was initially certified as from natural causes, when he had an epileptic fit in his bath, despite his NHS carers knowing he had epilepsy allowing him to lie in a bath alone for hours in a locked bathroom.

But an inquest with a jury found neglect had contributed to Connor’s death.

Such a jury would not be available had Connor been held under the MCA, nor even an inquest had his family not campaigned.

Autistic Stephanie Bincliffe died of natural causes in her sleep at 25, 25 stone, in a private mental hospital under  MHA section . She was kept in a windowless cell for 7 years, fed through a hatch for £12,000 NHS money a week.

The coroner stated her over medication, and ‘care’, did not contribute to her suffocating in her sleep, despite her overmedication, diet and huge weight gain.

All Stephanie wanted was to go home to her family.

Previously fit Thomas Rawnsley, was certified as dying from natural causes and Downs Syndrome at 20, despite years of abuse, over medication, and parents only two weeks before warning authorities that the service provider’s treatment would kill their son.

IN 2021 the natural causes, was confirmed by Coronors direction of such, to a Jury, after millions spent on stitched up public process- NHS INVESTIGATION and Coronors court. Yet, Despite this a Jury was not allowed to make up its own mind, as only natural causes of Thomas’ death, could whitewash a monopoly service industry, costing future NHS billions that had to be protected, as only placements for ASD/LD under the Transforming Care policy already globally and publically invested in

Jonathan Malia a keen rugby player, and fitness fanatic , died of natural causes at 24, after 11 forced Olanzapine injections in 10 days, as an originally a voluntary inpatient in a Cygnet hospital.

Kristian Thompson, a fit healthy 19 year old talented cricket player was found unconscious in a shower after being injected with clozaphine. in St Andrews Hospital, Northampton, where he later died.

An open verdict was quashed by a high profile campaign, because epilepsy should not have been considered as a cause of death, as Kristian was not an epileptic.

Two months before Kristian’s death, 4 patients in an 8 bedded ward in the same hospital, also on clozapine, had died within 8 months of constipation, a known side effect of clozapine and all were certified as dying of natural causes.

At the time, the NHS was paying on average £10,000 a week tax free for their ‘treatment’.




69% of Children in NHS Out of Area, inadequate hospitals pledged 1.4 billion.

out of area mental

The British Medical Assassination FOIA notices revealed 69% of child and adolescent admissions to mental hospitals in 2016/17 were classed as ‘out of area’

7 out of 10 children are sent away miles from parents, family, school and friends

The highest rise was in south-west England with a 106% increase in inpatients treated out of area, the second being a rise of 92% was in Yorkshire and Humber.

And this is years after a government pledge to end all such placements by 2021.

But instead, the definition of ‘out of area’ appears to have changed to allow NHS England to claim children sent up to 200 miles from home are “in area”.

So children sent from Cornwall to Gloucestershire are not now ‘out of area.’

This new method of calculating out of area placements, only came to light after the BMA’s FOIA requests last year.

After NHS England stated, it had “toughened up” its stance on out of area placements.

So the huge costs of transport, the devastating affect of being isolated with strangers, and breach of childrens and families human rights to a family life, is getting worse, not better.

In 2014 NHS England stated the definition of ‘out of area’ was

where young people are harmed by the distance and disconnection from local services, family and friends”.

Which appears from a Parliamentary Answer last month to have now been reinstated

But the definition of ‘out of area’, actually used from 2015, was any postcode outside

the footprint of the specialised commissioning hub covering where the patient resides”

And, as each of these 10 hubs, covered many counties, patients could be counted as being treated ‘in area’, even if placed up to 200 miles from their home and families.

Another important matter is the childrens continuity of treatment by their GPs , raised by The General Practitioner’s Council’s deputy chair Dr Richard Vautrey :

These are children who will be looked after solely in specialist centres, so GPs won’t be involved directly with their care during their admission. However they will often be aware of the patient and are also likely to be supporting other members of the family who are often impacted by the distress caused by this situation.

Patients and their families who are forced to travel for hours and hours to hospital will not have their beds counted as out-of-area. This is a very real harm that is not being accounted for,”
remarked Dr ”BuGary Wannan, BMA consultants committee deputy chair and child and adolescent psychiatrist and added;.

Health and Social Care Trusts’ treatment is increasingly inpatient, and, for profit, as mental services are increasingly privatised.

More and more distressed children, find themselves whisked far away from family, friends and school.

This in itself would be enough to cause a mental issues, let alone exacerbate distress, manifesting itself as an anxiety disorder , anorexia, depression or attempted/threatened suicide.

And what treatment do they receive ?

Medication and containment.

Below are just a few examples of such ‘treatment’ that managed to reach the media.
Amy at 14 in the Priory

George Werb at 15 in the Priory

Jodie at 15 in Cygnet

Will and Mathew 12 and 15 Cygnet , St Andrews

More than half of parents with children in mental hospitals do not feel their child’s mental health improved while in care and a quarter (24%) thought it had “deteriorated”.

448 parents who had had children in Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services Tier 4 (inpatient ) hospitals over the last five years, were surveyed by Young Minds and the National Autistic Society .

In some cases, young people were trapped in inappropriate care for years, with their mental health deteriorating, while their parents desperately tried to find a way to get them out.

The survey revealed 44% of parents felt unable to challenge decisions about their child’s treatment and 52% didn’t know what rights their child has while in hospital.

A third (33%) said they were not consulted about decisions about medication,
And 40% were uncomfortable with decisions made about medication.

Fewer than a third (29%) of parents felt sufficiently involved in their child’s care and 53% were not confident that their child was receiving appropriate care.

More than a third (39%) said their child had not been supported to have a suitable education.

Despite the law providing in s131a MHA ,

.That equal access to educational opportunities as their peers’

How will these children ever catch up with their education, gain qualifications, jobs and a social life ?

And all this ‘treatment’ costs the NHS £13,000 a week on a secure ward, with a minimum average of £900 a day.


As ‘mental’ health moves into schools, and we are told a fifth of our children have a ‘diagnosable disorder’.

Within a mendacious system that gerrymanders ‘out of area placements’ to, at worst , place vulnerable children wherever commercially convenient, or at best, treats them without having the correct infrastructure in place.

Allowing children to linger for years, hundreds of miles away from their families regardless of the damage caused.

We must consider the outcomes of such ‘treatment’ and the huge amount of money spent on it.

And ask why ?