4 Billion spent on private ‘care’ but no protection- Katie’s Story .

All gets worse for the 1% of children in care of state,

By Nov 2020 Childrens Commission issues 3 damning reports, resulting in suggested ‘independent’ enquiry to cover up


Read here 10 years ago, the fate of Katie, and think of the 15,ooo raped just in Rotherham, the numbers elsewhere covered up – all poor areas – rochdale, sheffield rest of UK ?.

£200,000 paid per year of our money for our children to be abused in care homes owned by venture capital companies.

A care manager explains how like in NHS Mental thousands of children are sent out of area for max profit


1184612030_3584839358001_4ON-CARE-23-stillEven the head of the family courts admits over 72,500 in care is too many.

2019 AND all is worse see here https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/dec/29/how-did-childrens-homes-become-centres-of-profit-making-and-abuse?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other

And many more are kidnapped, as my daughter was at 10 by s20 agreement forced by an LA threat of a care order.

Yet 10,000 a year go missing from ‘care’, managing themselves to escape.

LAs are made bankrupt paying for all this private ‘care’.

And there is no evidence it is protecting our children quite the reverse, many are groomed, never traced and so damaged are then fed into the billion pound private mental health industry.


Social workers are employed effectively by private companies and trained and paid to harvest for the care industry, and care courts rubber stamp, effectively kidnapping our children with our public money, spending billions on supposed child ‘protection’.

Judge here how permanent and successful a solution adoption is…

View original post 2,043 more words

NHS Safeguarding Issue re Issy.

The s47 MCA application by Sheffield City Council to the local designated Sheffield, Court of Protection in February 2015, was withdrawn in 2017,

due to SCC’s refusal to fund Issy’s  adult support ( presumably only, in her family home).

Local COP transferred this application to Sheffield Health and Social Care, a NHS Foundation Trust, privatised, Corporate since 2015.

An NHS, CSA meeting was held with all concerned, including the manager of the care company, we had paid privately for and found, its care worker had disappeared without notice reporting no safeguarding issues or problems with parents,

but then eight months later, her manager reported in the CSA meeting I, her mum, was ‘running opposition’. no examples given

this company was then rendered effectively inoperable by  CQC – a co incidence or pay back ?

Issy’s new NHS ‘intensive’ support team consisted of a ‘consultant’ nurse lead , a ‘consultant’ psychologist, a Developmental Officer, and psychiatrist medicator.

The use of the term ‘consultant’, made qualifications and role unclear.

But the psychiatrist assured us-

The team would be doing the same for Issy, as if she were living in the proposed State facility, which they oversaw.

The same facility where Thomas Rawnsley died on the day my Issy would be taken there.

Not much comfort, when that facility – Kingdom House Lifeways/Cambian, had resulted in the death of Thomas Rawnsley, a healthy 20 year old, on the very day Issy was to be sent to it.

Six monthly meetings of long nothings, resulted in a raft of medication, including Prozac, already given to Issy at 15, resulting, as it did then, in extreme aggression and agitation, as it did again, and as always an anti psychotic was added.

But Issy still refused to leave our house, becoming more unsettled .and not sleeping so benzo’s were added.

But these made her more aggressive.

Strangely, on the NHS’s thrice weekly arrivals, no one ever asked how we were coping, or commented on the new beds in the utility room they passed through, needed, due to Issy’s continued incontinence and distress.

For over a year all conversation appeared prescribed, us doing, as always, most, if not all, of the talking.

Eventually, I became so frustrated I dared ( Issy could be taken at anytime on NHS application ) to ask, why no one ever asked how we coped with years of sleepless nights and Issy’s demanding, agitated, unpredictable behaviour.

As a result the ‘consultant’ psychologist disappeared, and the development officer asked me twice, in two months, a perfunctory ‘how are you ?,

satisfied with my ‘fine thanks’.

Eventually, he too disappeared, and for a time we had, I assume his replacement, and another lady, both roles unexplained

So after 3 years of this intensive ‘support’, lasting 5 minutes, if Issy were asleep, and 15-20 minutes to cover 3 attempts to engage her if awake, we were left with one lady.

Two weeks ago, on needing to have the ‘consultant’ nurse authenticate yet another repeat 32 page benefit application form, we found she had retired

On contacting the consultant nurse’s replacement, she told us a safeguarding issue had been raised by our lady worker, in respect to Issy’s hygiene.

The worker then failed to arrive at our home for her visit.

We waited terrified, no notification, no show , reigniting our past experiences.

Would Issy be gone before Christmas ?

The ‘consultant’ nurse replacement did show as notified, with NHS Director a consultant’ clinical psychologist.

But not the worker who notified the safeguarding issue.

We were not told he, or indeed who, was to be in our kitchen, assuming the support worker who raised the safeguarding issue, would arrive also.

In the kitchen, with Issy asleep having been up 28 hours, I reminded both that I had a written agreement with the then head of SHSC Corporate Services, I quote her;

‘I can assure you that if either ( named previous DW and worker ) have any concerns relating to Isabel’s care they will inform you immediately while they are in your home.’

But they said they were unaware of this, and said this head of Corporate Services no longer worked for the Trust.

And later asked for a copy which I sent but was not even acknowledged.

I also asked if our thrice weekly lady worker had informed them that our central heating and water boiler had packed up, and we had been without hot water for two weeks, a fact this lady had been made aware of at the time.

No, they were unaware of the crucial fact,,,,,,,,that we had had no hot water.

The said lady worker arrived at her designated time two days after this meeting, the day before Christmas Eve.

Visibly distressed, and without any question on the issue, she declared that she did not raise any safeguarding issue.

At a regular meeting she had updated on Issy, she was still not sleeping and had bathing difficulties.

When she had found out a Safeguarding had been notified, she threatened to leave the team.

Her hands are tied, by no doubt a zero hour contract and a need to earn…………..

We, as always await whatever happens,………… under the boot.

433 millions government LA money, is now available to Corporate NHS, to find safeguarding issues but not in its State Care, where 3 a day died 6 years ago


Where Issy suffered 2 potentially fatal facial impactions, 48 bruises, PTSD , two bites, conjunctives, malnutrition.

We do not know, nor can find out, due to ‘commercial confidentiality’, how much of our money has already been spent on our Corporate NHS intensive support.

But know millions of our money, has already been spent destroying our child.

The number of deaths in SHSC is shown hereSHSC Deaths FOI 416 039

Note, in answer to last FOI question appears no investigation into deaths so no safeguarding enquiry before or after a death.

So no safeguarding in State for profit care.

amoss.files.wordpress.com/2019/12/sheffield-health-and-social-care.jpg” alt=”Sheffield-Health-and-social-care” width=”360″ height=”180″ class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-6005″ />Sheffield-Health-and-social-careSheffield-Health-and-social-care

Brexit- the 2019 UK Election’s Con Trick ?


The proles did rise up to shake off the flies by a one person one vote to Brexit.

But it was then used to glue them to the horse.

To enslave them mendaciously, by an antidemocratic election in 2019.

I thought Cameron’s Brexit referendum a huge, huberistic mistake, that might destroy third way politics and totalitarian,

But in retrospect. might have been an ingenious trick to measure the Nation’s Zeitgeist for the use of future political control.

It could be either – a fate compli, or a means to maintain the status quo by ensuring election success in 2019.

They also know if you want to win, PR is all.

Find a huge personality like Blair or Boris, make them centre stage, and preach to the already converted Brexit majority.

‘Let’s Get Brexit done’ is made the only general election choice

Simple, no thought, no choice, for an already decided nation.

The Labour opposition is already infiltrated by Remainers , fortunately, but as to be expected all against their heartland voting populous.

How could the Labour party not realise, an overwhelming vote of Brexit from their voters would not result in their demise, on a policy of second referendum and no no deal ?

Corbyn’s hands were tied, his MPs were third way Blair children, who supported the continued Tory/Blair third way agenda- the establishment

So the die was cast. Labour’s defeat inevitable

Politics was, as always gerry- mendered, and democracy destroyed

42 % of electorate decided its end

hoisted by their own petard.

To now over 30 years of personal and national scavenging

Proving the third way belief, that politics should not be left in the hands of the people, democracy is the evil that finances them.

But how can we have democracy, when it is so mendaciously used by those in control for their purpose ?

My Radio interview on Richie Allen Show

please, listen to what is happening to autistic/learning disabled in UK and the NHS.

Listen 10mminutes in important information.

It has been given away to NHS England, see how in blog POST NHS SCAVANGED FOR PROFIT.

Now 13, billion paid to NHS, on back of virus to write off debt of a soon to be effectively privately run service.

And make it stop, repeal Health and Social Care Act 2012

We, no longer have or own the NHS, we pay for it belongs to a commissioning body NHS England.