Thomas Rawnsley dead 3 years. Still no answers.

Readjourned Inquest starts this month in Sheffield. but adjourned to june 2020

Limited to a few days before death and NHS England investigation remit.

yet NHS England commissioned and paid for this investigation and care enforced by Court of protection in best interests MCA. Cambian lifeways Kingdom House Sheffield where he died and Where my daughter at 18 was to be sent by COP, the day he died paid by NHS England 8,000 + a week for this ‘care’…………….
Coronors Courts must hold an inquest as soon as is practicable – 6 months recommendation for justice, it is nearly 5 years since Thomas died.

Can justice be done ?


DUkC0CMXUAEMpdd holocaust silence

Sunday was the third adversary of Thomas’s death.

He was a fit 20 year old, born with Downs Syndrome , later labelled autistic..

Thomas’s abuse and death is a testament  of our society, morality and humanity.

His mother was not allowed to stay with him during his last night on earth.

Her access had been prescribed since he was 17.

She was not even allowed to be alone with him when they switched off his life support machine. No private rooms were available.

The only ‘kindness’ shown was an attempt to obtain his body parts.

Working full time, Paula was to bitterly regret her cry for help with a teenage Thomas.

Unknown to her, a yellow star was already next to Thomas’s name – Downs and autistic.

His fate was sealed.

Social workers came in, assessed, and were over critical of his behaviour – he had pulled down a…

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The Age of The Scavenger.

As all is scavenging, and we have no enforceable laws, we are left at the mercy of the most unscrupulous, without morals, all is maximum commercial awareness and lying PR.



We live in the age of the scavenger.

Frightened, greedy, insecure, in debt.

You, your children, partner, parents, its prey.

And, you will be powerless.

Here, is how they do it.

Scavengers know, that control, secrecy, surveillance and connection are essential.

They are smiling, plausible, psychopathological shape-shifters.

They work through social workers,  GPs, hospitals, police stations, health visitors, counsellors, neighbours, teachers, protection officers, care agencies, community groups, charities.

Through secret networkers and leadership..

All are  controlled by the state, work in secret and illegally share all ‘information’ through Multi Agency Safeguarding Hubs, agencies and community action groups.

Even our most trusted charity The Samaritans, is now controlled by the state, and details of the desperate  revealed to the authorities for forced lucrative private mental services interventions.

Even our suspicious, isolated, secretive, scared public, are social wardens.

Seeking state approval, money and power.

And many volunteer in NHS, police, schools,  community care desperate to please for…

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