The Age of The Scavenger.


We live in the age of the scavenger.

Frightened, greedy, insecure, in debt.

You, your children, partner, parents, its prey.

And, you will be powerless.

Here, is how they do it.

Scavengers know, that control, secrecy, surveillance and connection are essential.

They are smiling, plausible, psychopathological shape-shifters.

They work through social workers,  GPs, hospitals, police stations, health visitors, counsellors, neighbours, teachers, protection officers, care agencies, community groups, charities.

Through secret networkers and leadership.- common purpose.

All are  controlled by the state, work in secret and illegally share all ‘information’ through Multi Agency Safeguarding Hubs, agencies and community action groups.

Even our most trusted charity The Samaritans, is now controlled by the state, and details of the desperate  revealed to the authorities for forced lucrative private mental services interventions.

Even our suspicious, isolated, secretive, scared public, are social wardens.

Seeking state approval, money and power.

And many volunteer in NHS, police, schools,  community care desperate to please for employment.

The targets, as with all vultures are the vulnerable in need.

The poor, sick, old, disordered.

And, scavengers,  need to continually find new prey.

So they create vulnerability.

By 375 mental disorders, behavioural problems, increased poverty, more autistics, diabetics, and alzheimers.

And woo, through awareness campaigns, prevention,health checks, counselling, kindness, social groups, and, concern.

They target, objectifise, and subject their prey to the most solicitous, form of covert surveillance.

With 6 million itinerant carers, data bases, centralised medical, MASH, education, and social records .

Fishing expeditions are launched, to gain the ‘evidence’  they need.

This is build up on a  perfunctory, cumulative basis to fit the crime.

The crime, is always vague, expansive, and subjective.

And now even pre-emptive.

Those ‘at risk’ only targeted.

Neglect , controlling behaviour, emotional abuse,  sexual assault from innuendo, a drink is alcoholism, a scratch self-harm, forgetfulness incapacity,And any innocuous activity, is made to tick the box.

And, before you discover their surveillance, they use the law to swoop.

And then, it’s too late.

All they need now, is a rubber stamp.

All becomes unstoppable process.

Reality is suspended.

Mental Capacity Act interim  orders, will be the first you know, that you will lose your loved one.

Emergency protection care orders, your baby.

You will get no help.

All are frightened.

The system is inquisitorial, and so clogged up, and systemically bias it can do little.

Any allegation is accepted, without proof.

Justice, itself is  a scavenger,  it needs to be profitable.

The lawyers, scavenge the desperate, impotent, and ignorant.

And facilitate an inquisitorial process.

That cannot be beaten.

Those paid to protect the vulnerable, official solicitors, and CAFCASS officers, do the same.

They have no option, but to believe, the state always acts,  in a vulnerable person’s ‘best interests’.

Even though, that ‘best interest’, will make billions for the state.

The appalling conflict of interest, the elephant in the court room, is ignored.

All can act with impunity, as all is unaccountable, and in secret.

The commodity is adopted, the Local Authority pockets £30,000, and/or  £1000  per week for the fostering industry,£4,000  for the care home .

Those tick boxed ‘incapable’ imprisoned for life.

Every decision made for them by their private provider for ever more profit.

At the mercy of a secret, unaccountable care provider.

An audit statistic, worth on average  £3,500 per week.

In its first 3 years to 2010, the Court of Protection, took control, of assets worth over  £2.3 billion.

And, in its first 18 months received 3,000 complaints, all in secret.

Potentially, more than 2 million, could lose their liberty under the Mental Capacity Act.

Without their Magna Carta right to be tried by their peers.

Dementia, Carers Act, the latest facilitates to harvest.

GPs, now paid to assess dementia risk by stealth, on routine check ups.

And, the child care industry, has increased its numbers, from 32,000 in 2009, to 82,000.

Read this PhD on forced adoptions published in 2016

We do not know the numbers of old, autistic and learning disabled, encaged, unseen, in residential private profit ‘care’.

And at September 2016 The Alzheimer’s Society reported Deprivation of Liberty Orders from the Court of Protection are at an all time high. the Court of Protection are at an all time high.

At September 2016 Altzeimer Society reported all time high in Deprivation of Liberty Orders

So, it certainly pays, to scavenge.
many stories since we can trust no one all are scavengers all act illegally as law can’t be enforced. we are not protected. we are in cowboy and indian land with no gun£56000-for-£169-romantic-weekend-in-budapest-but-barclays-refuses-to-help-leaving-her-paralysed-with-debt/ar-AAH8QWM?ocid=spartandhp


  1. Finola we must DO something. I’m thinking of taking out a half page in a national newspaper????? Its beyond corruption.


    1. Please email me as nervous on here

      The money being made is huge, and unaccountable.

      The Social Services Complaints team letter in reply to my second complaint I lodged on Monday, I already had managed just after 7 months to get my first one to stage 2.

      They say, they will not consider complaints, until after court proceedings, that why they dragged it out.

      So inadequate services, costing to date some 200,000 over the past 2 years, and the service user, even if it is termed personal services, has no control over staff, who are not accountable, and can lie with impunity.

      The MCA is incompatible with EU directives, and in any event is being used illegally per se to encage potentially millions, no Magna Carta, Human Rights.

      This needs as much publicity as pos have tried emailing Mail, Telegraph no reply.

      We have to all shout about this corruption which will only get worse when gov devolve power to LA, Sheffield and Manchester are the prposed first cities for this and we all know why ??


    2. Sorry I haven’t replied.
      Someone and everyone needs to scream.
      It is like living in Hitlers German, or Stalin’s Russia.
      No voice, total corruption making loads of money by killing and torturing the vulnerable.
      And all live in fear.


      1. My e mails to you didn’t get through. If you e mail me when you have a minute I can then reply. Or phone on 0121 704 1690

    1. Thank you Isidra. Please tell as many as you can about it. This information, has to come out. The vulnerable, AND THEIR FAMILIES, need it to, and have no help. Many suffer, as I write, and there is so much unseen bullying, horror, lies, cruelty, even death, and injustice, which is not rectified, and getting worse. The government have absolute power, and we can do nothing.

      Best wishes, Finola


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