Where do you go ……..

Where do you go when hope is lost,

When night is day,

Where will you go, when right IS wrong

And you can’t enter the throng

Where do you go, when the world is lost

And no one cares the human cost

Where do you go

When all is despair

And no one will share

Nothing matters

As the world shatters

The world is none

As no one cries for the one

Where all is a thief

That act in disbelief

A black abyss surrounds all

With no care of the fall

Into the mire flies the swan

As all are made one

We have made our bed well

In totalitarian hell

What Happened in Thomas Rawnsley’s Final Weeks?

November a year ago saw a coroner order a jury to find that Thomas died of natural causes. The evidence of over medication, neglect and abuse nor his right to life could be considered. So what’s the point of the Coroner process ?


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‘It seems I alone have to prove Thomas died because of so many failings’

Paula Rawnsley, Thomas’ Mother.

Here, she describes the weeks before he died in the IamThomas Facebook site.

Then they had enough, of this increasingly complex young man and his troublesome mum, so they went to the court of protection, to place him in an untried, untested holding bay in Sheffield (Kingdom House), when they had in fact been told, by an independent hospital managers hearing, they had broken, so many codes of practice and must lift Thomas’ section and find Thomas, a robust care package in his local community!!

They didn’t want to do this, so told the judge at the court of protection hearing, if he was to stay in their ATU one moment longer they would close it down and move every patient there out of area

So there Thomas’ death sentence was set!

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Our Most Vulnerable Suffer for Profit?

My daughter’s abuse in her NAS residential school where she refused at 16 to go back to.

But at 18 MCA court proceedings to remove her for life to Lifeways, same house as where Thomas Rawnsley died on the same date

NAS  were paid £177,000 a year in 2007 increasing to 200,000 from NHS NOW responsible for Education and Health and Social Care

We can/could do nothing, as no lawyers ,two CA applications and COP by me, but she is still at home2022 recovering and protected and most of all happy.

Living The Art Life

My mother’s share of my Facebook post written a couple of years ago, relaying my sister’s abuse by state care. My attempt to cut some reality through the rosey filter of ‘autism awareness’ PR.

Writtenin a Facebook post, 31st August 2019:

‘I would be very grateful to those who take the time to read this.

A lot of you may have caught onto the fact I have a severely Autistic sister, Isabel (Issy), 22.

At age 16, she decided to remain at home one weekend and not return to her NAS residential care school enforced upon her with no assessment when she was the age of 10.

Taken recently of Issy’s unexplained ‘cauliflower ear’ she received when she was 12 (we presume from it being badly yanked) which won’t heal.

After being so abused there (pulling her hair out, 48 bruises one weekend noted as ‘self-harm’, far too skinny…

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Pfizer Whistleblower Melissa McAtee on Vaccine Glowing And What Happened When She Confronted Management | Worldview Weekend Broadcast Network

PFIZER ARE paid 200 million a day, here quality control manger of 10 years, points out the dangers of vac production and lack of checks as rushed through

Vaccine glows, never before seen . reason unknown -grafite oxide/lucifer glow that track body cells ?

Ingredients, not known by employees for first time, and FOI will not reveal vaccine ingredients, on basis of commercial confidentiality.

so ignorant of what vaccinates/mediates the world is unknown

Wirral In It Together

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