Harvesting of the Disabled for Profit

A2013-09-20-15_36_14Parents of special educational needs children including those labelled autistic be warned this may be your fate.

The state are creating and labelling children as having a learning disability rather than a difficulty.

The renamed label is intellectual disability

See the latest number here.


There are several databases used to share information illegally under Data Protection Act and s8 HRA to harvest children including future criminals.


A learning (intellectual) ‘disability‘ is an impairment of mind, permanent, innate and evidenced by a low IQ  and is now  on the rise in the UK look at the statistics


Whereas a learning ‘difficulty‘ is not inate, and  can be because  a child is autistic ( learns differently), a late developer,  has poor teaching/assessment or taught in a second language,  such a child will have at least an average IQ. .

So if your child is a late developer autistic, has inadequate teaching he labelled and doomed to be a cash cow for life.

Unless he is part of the labelling state cabal.

Or in private education as they do not have the EHC system.

Education, Health, and Care Statements replaced Special Educational Needs statements last year.

Education, Health and Care statements unlike SEN, require social services to monitor your child’s ‘welfare’.

A school protection officer/ social worker will now be part of your life.

And,  your  child’s name secretly notified to  MASH- Multi Agency, Safeguarding Hub

Invasive IT Databases are being provided by CAPITA at 2016 see link.

In breach of HRA and Data Protection, to target families at risk in schools without their permission or even knowledge.

Click to access capita_one_-_product_brochure_-_one_analytics_-_apr16.pdf


Your child will be in this system and by it watched covertly by every  agent of the state.

Read here the law and databases used to target the ‘disabled’ and their families by all agents of the state.


And, despite the inherent difficulties of coping with an autistic./ different child.

Any bruise, scratch, dirt, swear  word, behaviour issue, sexualised behaviour, weight loss/gain,  head lice, old /inappropriate/clothing, emotional problem, parents relationship, lateness, rearrangement of meeting, attitude,comments, will be noted.

But you will be unaware you are under their microscope.

And have no right of reply or correction of their databases.

You will be impressed everyone  is taking such an interest.

Ignorant of why, your child really is, so ‘special’.

In June 2016 the government announced millions would be given to provide early intervention before crisis point.

This means those merely ‘at risk’ will also be targeted ie the poor, or those with relatives with special needs.

Education ‘pathways‘ are  used to harvest as many as possible to private eventually venture capital education and care .

As it is highly profitable- £200,000 a year financed by NHS (health), LA ( social),  D of E ( education )


All areas have similar Pathways as shown here for Nottingham


This intelligence gathering can be used to enforce any medication, therapy, schooling, or silence your complaints, via care proceeding or threat of them.

And serves as a file of historic ‘concerns’ of parental abuse/neglect/capacity, and/or future, Court of Protection LA evidence, that it is in your 18+ child’s ‘best interests’ to  be removed to community living for life, and your access limited and/or excluded.

Under EHC statements, your child can no longer attend a day school at 16, nor use overnight respite facilities.

His education, continues, by ad hoc, unaccountable, ‘independent’ living skills education packages


Consisting of agency workers,  escorting him to ad hoc skills facilities, overseen by a package boss.

Who, unknown to you are briefed on ‘your family’s file’ and will continue to monitor your child’s ‘welfare’.

Their goal,  is ‘independent’, away from home living and  is likely, to result, in a cash bonus, or, at least, more lucrative education packages from the LA.

‘Education’ will discuss leaving Mummy and Daddy, with your child.

Regardless of the effect or yours or his wishes.

And, you may not be told.

At 18, all services are funded by Adult Services.

Due to government cuts, these services are limited to assessment for state residential care for life- independent/ supported/community living,

A new private industry being bought up by monopoly venture capital US companies like Cygnet who own CAMBIAN with over 160 home sites.


This states,

‘The MODEL OF CARE, is increasingly one, which promotes INDEPENDENCE, and MANAGERS RISK.’ ( Code for ‘community’/supported living). 

Pressure, will be placed on the LA, to transfer adult funding to central government funding, which is only available, for residential Provision.


The LA’s standard  adult support plan criteria eludes to this in a question the Adult Social Worker must complete;

Does the plan promote independence including identifying goals that could result in reducing paid support within an agreed period ?

Your child because of his learning difficulty will be treated as a ‘child in need’ under s17 Childrens  Act.

Children in need meetings will be held  with the education package, and, safeguarding issues  raised,- hygiene, clothing, food, parenting, medical and dental attendance, physical, sexual emotional  abuse,  and, placed in social services core assessments.

As, the LA funding can only decide, it is in your child’s ‘best interests’, to live away from you, and, your access limited, little in your favour, will be recorded.

No matter, how unfairly skewed against you, even if factually incorrect, it appears impossible, to change these assessments, and, relay  the correct information to professionals, and agencies.

The difficultly posed by your child’s disability, or, the inadequacy of support will not be considered.

The LA commission the services, and, it is liable, if inadequate.

Your ability to safeguard, parent, clean your home, and not neglect your child, will be judged, as if your child, were not disabled.

And, any possible concerns, re cleanliness/safeguarding/emotional abuse, real, or contrived,

Will be reported back, by support workers.

Whilst, your child’s disability, will not be considered, in assessing your parental capacity.

It will be, grossly exaggerated, by the LA in  their assessments of him,

To enable the maximum to be claimed from public funds to be paid to private  independent/community living providers.

The worse your child’s behave becomes or is made to appear, the greater the income  the independent/supported living provider  can claim.

This also is used as evidence you are unable to cope, and it is  in his ‘best interests’ he to be removed.

If you do get support, it will not be charged to help you, other than engage with your child.

But, support will be charged, to assess your capability, as a parent, and, whether you have a safe, clean, adequate home environment.

But you again, will be unaware of this. https://finolamoss.wordpress.com/2014/10/14/gathering-evidence-from-social-https://finolamoss.wordpress.com/2014/10/14/gathering-evidence-from-social-care/

Regular meeting s behind your back, will be held, between the social services, education, and, agency worker provider, who  have ‘your file’.

Your family, and child, will be whatever, they, in secret, decide.

Any information, you provide to workers/professionals, about your child, that does not fit the cabal’s purpose, of abuse, and neglect, safeguarding concerns will be ignored.

Support workers, on zero hour, minimum wage contracts, will be briefed, on the questions, to ask, and, matters to look out for.


Your family GP, will also  be part of the canal, and, despite confidentiality restrictions, both, your child’s medical records, and yours, will be shared.

Anything, that points to present or future parental physical, or mental incapacity, will be used to show, it is in your child’s ‘best interests’, to be removed to ‘independent’ living.

Any existent, or non-existent health, or mental concerns will be notified to your GP, by education, or, any agency, or social worker. https://finolamoss.wordpress.com/2014/08/24/my-complaint-and-unaccountable-services/

To possibly gain support, as a carer, or, any respite, cleaning   etc, you will have to undergo a Carer’s assessment.

This is used to probe, every aspect of your physical and mental ‘wellbeing’.

But, the LA are not under a duty, to provide support, and, have no funds to do so.

And, will only consider it, if the affect on a carer’s wellbeing, is ‘severe’, which would then make a carer, unfit, and/or a risk to their chargee. https://finolamoss.wordpress.com/2014/11/20/carers-act-2014-care-to-ensnare/

‘Concerns’, from support/education workers, are relayed to social services.

And sought expressly, by leading questioning.

And covertly, by tricks and grooming.

You will consider them all your friends, until without notice they disappear.

They will not raise their concerns with you.


These ‘concerns’, will be placed in court statements,to prevent you representing your child in court as you are cast as abuser/neglector there is a conflict of interests between you and your child.,

And, show, it is in his ‘best interests’, to be removed from you and your contact limited.

You will only discover, their ‘concerns’, on reading your social worker’s  court statement, in support of s48 Mental Capacity Act Interim application to the Court of Protection.

Your child will be forced, if necessary, by a court order, to undergo a psychological assessment, paid for by the LA.

This will assess, any deemed emotional abuse your child is subjected to at home, and a blanket, illegal capacity test.


This will state, that due to your child’s ‘intellectual disability’, he is, and has always been, unable to make any decisions.

It is now assumed that children subject to a SEN now EHC statement will be incapable under MCA and conferences for SEN families give presentations to that effect on Transition ie 16-18, see here

Click to access Transition%20seminar%20FINAL%20(2).pdf

Your child has now been made, the perfect commodity for life, for the multibillion pound, unaccountable, independent living industry.


Where he is safely behind the closed doors of the state where abuse  or even death is not investigated.

Your GP, will  look for signs of neglect, weight loss, bed sores, skin conditions, abuse, and self -harm.


If you proffer other causes, this may be evidence of fabricated disorder/ Munchausen.

Your GP, will be instructed by the Court of Protection, to do a  physical examination of your child, under s49 MCA, whether necessary, or not, and, any other assessments.

And, regardless of the distress, it causes.

His letter of instruction, will state, that the LA have concerns, and, that you have denied access, to your child, weather proved, or not.

Once the Court, becomes involved, any support workers, will become overt assessors.

All care agencies, and day centres, are funded by the LA, and therefore, controlled by them.

And as, ‘independent’ away from home living, is now the LA’s, only policy, for adult social care, all feed into it.

Despite, his EU, United Nations Rights not, to have the state remove his right to make decisions,http://www.un.org/disabilities/default.asp?id=279

Here is an OFSTED report in 2016 showing the shambles SEN is in there.

Click to access Joint_local_area_SEND_inspection_in_Surrey.pdf

You, and your child are flies in a sealed LA web.

The government’s Transforming Care document proposes early intervention for the autistic and learning disabled who evidence ‘challenging behaviour  and contains the following statistics;.

There are an estimated 1.2 million people in England, of which 286,000 are children and young people under the age of 18, with a learning disability (Emerson et al. 2012).

This means that roughly 20 people in every thousand have a learning disability (2-3% of the general population). The majority live their lives without support from specialist learning disability services – for instance, of the roughly 1 million adults with a learning disability, it is estimated that 189,000 (21%) (Emerson et al. 2012) are known to learning disability services.

There are an estimated 700,000 people with autism in England (Brugha et al. 2012) of which 125,000 are children and young people under the age of 18 (Baird et al. 2006).

This means that roughly 11 people in every thousand have autism (1.1% of the general population). It is estimated that 44%-52% of people with autism also have a learning disability (Emerson et al. 2010).

Those who display behaviour that challenges Challenging behaviours are generally understood to be exhibited by 10-15% of adults with learning disabilities known to services (approx. 22-34,000 people), whilst often peaking between the ages of 20-49 (Emerson et al. 2001).

A further 40,000 of children under the age of 18 are believed to display challenging behaviour (Emerson et al 2014).

As set out in Challenging Behaviour: A Unified Approach (Royal College of Psychiatrists, et al, 2007, p.14) challenging behaviour is behaviour

of such an intensity, frequency or duration as to threaten the quality of life and/or the physical safety of the individual or others and is likely to lead to responses that are restrictive, aversive or result in exclusion”.

Determined to harvest your child.spider-net-g8i1


  1. Dear Finola,

    I’m shocked and saddened to read about your experiences in getting help for your daughter. I found your website, having read other articles you had written, and sought to find more. I am researching non-consensual adoption and the human rights implications for parents and children and I was wondering if you have a list of your articles. I have read two of those on Solicitors Journal and have found out about some others but I would like to make sure that I have a complete list. I have found the information you have shared to be very valuable and will be citing you in my thesis.

    Kind regards,



    1. Dear Sam,

      Thank you for your comment, and most of all your interest, and concern, in the social scandals my blog reveals.

      Glad you are researching, and hopefully publishing details of enforced adoption, which is a similar policy to forced encagement under MCA, ie for private profit.

      As there is, as far as I could find, no research, let alone publications, other than mine on this issue. Wonder why ?

      As you are properly aware, there has been a class action in the EU, on non consensual adoption, and several states of Europe are behind banning it in England, if you see the petition from Sabine, I twittered, who now has been forced into exile in Germany, as she has dual nationality, you can get the details from links in the petition.

      As for my other publications on area, I wish I could send you the pdf but don’t have them any more, and they are behind a pay wall, I receive no payment, in the Solicitors Journal website, ‘Treading Carefully’, published 1st Feb 2011, is a crucial one, showing links between BAAF,CAFASS and CORAM and pilots for concurrent planning, now the main practice under the name of fostering to adopt, again under HRA s8 LEGALITY of practice dubious.
      ‘From Bad to Worse’ July 2011, Baby P scandal/effect, failure of serious case reviews, ‘Ultimate Loss’ 5th Jan 2012 Effect of adoption, and ‘System of Post Adoption support Inadequate’ November 2012, can’t remember title, about a detailed judgement on an adoption breakdown rarely published.

      Hope all goes well, and feel free to contact via email for more info on area.

      Best wishes,



  2. I am so sorry, you and you daughter have had such horrifying experiences. It sounds like care in the UK is frightening and dangerous. I know that a trial of risperidone (risperdal) for our daughter’s aggression was one of the worst decisions we ever made for her. I think parents need to very mindful of how much personal information they actually share about their disabled children.


    1. Thank you Sylvia,

      Just spotted your comment.

      You are right ‘care’ is very frightening , dangerous and parents have no control over it.

      If they disagree, or do not provide information and do exactly everything that the state wants, they are at very real risk of a care order being obtained, and if they then do not comply to the letter their children removed.

      The risk is even greater now, as all care is by privatised state commissioned monopolies for private profit and they are harvesting consumers for guaranteed public money.

      So it is often made impossible, not to share information, at best, if you are rich enough, educate your child privately.

      And if your child is labelled with any disorder ie autism, ADHD, bi polar etc, then at 18 under the MCA, all his decisions can be made for him- medication, who he sees, where he lives. Neither he nor his parents are given any rights, so beyond terrifying.

      Thank you once again.

      Best Wishes,



  3. Reblogged this on | truthaholics and commented:
    Exposing the scandal of state-sanctioned harm for profit – shocking – not in our names!!!
    The hidden cost of willful blindness and Nelsonian indifference to family human rights is too high, by treating them as policies instead of individuals!
    Caused by disturbing instances of recklessly pursuing a profit-driven agenda even when the very child(ren) whose welfare the state is beholden to promote are HARMED. What a shameful abuse of process.


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