Dying for Profit

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A depressing month heralded in a shocking NHS Learning Disabled Mortality Review, forced by the revelation our NHS investigates 1 % of the deaths of the Learning Disabled in their care, two Inquests of autistics concluding ‘natural causes’, and another is likely, from the findings of an NHS England’s investigation into Thomas Rawnsley’s death.

With the inevitability of even fewer inquests and more ‘natural causes’ deaths by the introduction this month of  certification of deaths by Medical Examiners, rather than Coroners.

We have few investigations, let alone independent ones, into those dying in state care, despite ever increasing deaths, and the fact that back in 2013, MENCAP reported 37% died due to inadequate health care at a rate of 1,200 a year.


So state ‘care’ is becoming evermore unaccountable, even for death, and evermore expensive, with nearly a fifth of our total NHS and care budget spent on it, and almost all care and treatment for the autistic and learning disabled is now provided by monopoly venture capital backed private providers with an overriding duty to provide ever more profit.

And no one is even commenting on, let alone doing anything about the quality of these public/private services costing billions, even if they result in the death of a service user.

NHS England didn’t want anyone to see its commissioned University of Bristol Learning Disability Mortality Review Annual Report 2017,so publication was held back from November to the day after the local elections and the day before a long bank holiday.

NHS refused any press conference or media comment and Jeremy Hunt disappeared from Parliament before he could be asked a question on the report.

Such is Ministerial and NHS Responsibility


Only 1131 deaths were referred to the programme because of lack of resources,  despite the NHS having enough money to pay £13,000 a week for the treatment they resulted from, and again through lack of funding, only 103 of these deaths were actually reviewed with no indication of when the remaining 1028 deaths would be investigated.

Of the 103 reviews, 13% of deaths were found by the review team to be down to:
Neglect or abuse.
Organisational dysfunction.
Delays in care or treatment.
Gaps in service provision.

The many inquests into the deaths of autistic and learning disabled including Danny Tozer, Oliver McGowan, Connor Sparrowhawk & Richard Handley and yet to be held Thomas Rawnsley are horrific testaments to the Review’s findings..

No wonder the government removed the right to life jury and Inquest from those held under MCA Dols.

As shown by Thomas Rawnsley’S death ,Where consideration of his right to life removed BY CORONOR, from his exceptional Jury as he died under a DOL.allowing a Court order he died from natural causes

So what was the NHS’s reply to the reports findings ?

We welcome this interim report, the first of its kind in the world.
( A black piece of PR as no other country has been forced to commission such a report because  disabled in state ‘care’ are dying for profit. So badly in fact, our government has been forced to issue annual death reviews)

These early lessons will feed into hospital and community services work including early detection of symptoms of sepsis and pneumonia prevention, constipation and epilepsy where there is significant progress.

( Surely hospitals and community NHS paid millions – up to 13,000 a week – should not be used until such basics exist within them.

(Such basics shockingly deemed ‘early lessons’ )

The NHS go on to say another 1.4m more will be spent this year so that those responsible locally as well as the University of Bristol and NHS HQ can ramp up the speed and number of reviews.

So 1.4 million for more death reviews, meetings and bureaucracy and private local profit, with no accountability or compensation for victims and their families.

But still very cheap , in comparison to the billions that would have had to be paid out, if we had USA accountability for patient care with Medicare representation in court.

Or even if we had Coroners Inquests with Juries- 2 millions being paid out in compensation to Connor Sparrowhawk and another.,

So shouldn’t our government and Court of Protection comply with its own laws and ensure that those held in MHA/ NHS treatment or MCA residential best interests care, do not die ?

And ensure that our public money is not wasted on unsupervised, lacking
the basics, proven unsafe and inadequate public/ privatised provision ?.

Does our government, NHS and courts not have a duty to protect our most vulnerable in and from state care ?

Unless the profit motive is removed from state care/treatment more will, and will be allowed to die, making that profit with impunity..

There can be no saving of lives by Carillion style bankruptcies just less culpability and more public money wasted.


  1. Reblogged this on | truthaholics and commented:
    Another damning indictment of broken politics by such a brazen policy of commodifying patients for profit at the expense of democratic accountability and balances and checks on state intervention into family life it actually signifies a breach of the social contract. Abolishing it is long overdue to restore balance, true fairness and justice.
    “So shouldn’t our government and Court of Protection comply with its own laws and ensure that those held in MHA/ NHS treatment or MCA residential care do not die ?

    And ensure that our public money is not wasted on unsupervised, lacking
    the basics, proven unsafe and inadequate public/ privatised provision ?.

    Does our government, NHS and courts not have a duty to protect our most vulnerable in and from state care ?

    Unless the profit motive is removed from state care/treatment more will, and will be allowed to die, making that profit with impunity..

    There can be no saving of lives by Carillion style bankruptcies just less culpability and more public money wasted.”


    1. Need help . They have my son in hospital they forcing antipsychotics down has caused nurological deficit in him. I need a documentary have a recording of dr koli visiting and saying that he will assume my son heard voices. He later sectioned my son.


      1. Firstly demand a second doctor diagnosis from the CQC. As sectioning and I assume diagnosis was after medication your son did not consent to this medication so this in law is a battery to him ie assault so hospital/Dr liable for damaging effect. You I assume will be named Nearest relative so apply to Tribunal to get section discharged on grounds son is not suffering from a mental disorder under MHA but the effects of medication and they have no legal grounds for detainment. Please get back to me here and let me know what happens. Wishing you success in your dreadful predicament . Finola

      1. Did ask for a second opinion, they stalled it for years and then refused to a knowledge the option of cygnet doctor which said my son had autism instead hid that report and told the RC to persuade him to her opinion, which he did not. The RC in cygnet called autism childhood schizophrenia and said at 21 it would turn into full blown schizophrenia so gave my son clozapin.after 6-8 weeks on that drug he no longer recognised me.
        My son never heard voices.
        He simply didn’t understand body language and lacked eye contact. I thought he would grow out of it but when he didn’t I went to the doctor, I didn’t know this was autism at the time.
        Forward thinking birmingham and cygnet said the only second opinion ileen were allowed would be their colleagues.
        We asked for roy ashok.
        They then hid all the reports from qe hospital when he was first took in at 19 year’s before the trust chanjed hands to private hospitals and told us we are not to show them those records .
        It’s silly it’s like they want him to be ill.
        He was looking for work before they took him and going to the gym and college, as a family and community we had no concerns. So I don’t get it .

      2. This is why the autistic label is preferred to create huge pharma and care cashcows.

        Of course they want to make him iller, that is the horror, and clearly they have. The iller he is the more labels and drugs and higher care so more money from NHS .I am so so sorry your son has had his life destroyed . but profit is put above all and all experts etc are owned by the hospital that pays them. As you say with private you cannot even access records for your own son so no check Did they give a reason ??

        aUTISTICS can now only be admitted to private ATUs, as they are the biggest profit makers. But this is anything but treatment as your son shows,

        Thank you for your comment and comment more if you can all the best for you and your son Finola

  2. My most recent blog “The Unaccountable”. Highlights what goes on if you dare to challenge. An all for profit scheme – a death plan given to a vulnerable young person, no dignity, no equality – not even a front door key. I have found out thousands paid to get rid if me as NR – this way the tribunal system can b manipulated. One good thing since i called the Fire Brigade it would appear they have had to tighten health and safety standards. New Leader of Council also took interest but you have to go to such lengths to speak out to get anything done.


    1. Thank you Sue Here is the link to your article https://psychiatricabuseuk.com/

      As you state with your experience the system from every facet service provider, social worker, tribunals, experts are unaccountable and cost millions of public money and even when the service users die needlessly our Ministers nor Parliament have to comment.

      All act outside authority with impunity and all are silent.


      1. When I went to visit Parliament they were only interested in an anti stigma campaign when I wanted to discuss matters more indepth and the possibility of a centre for CBI for instance with alternative therapies as after all you cannot drug someone with CBI as that would be totally negligent. Please do check out my latest blog on North mid Horizon Suite

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